Fendt Vario 930 - spreading manure
Here we offer a selection of our best images, which are ideal as wallpapers. This time it's an extraordinary Fendt: The Hesselbach company paints all its tractors red. We think it's great!
We sell our wallpapers primarily as a way for you to give us a small donation. So if you want to support our work, you can make a big contribution with your purchase. We would be pleased.
Key data
Included are 13 wallpapers in 5K for desktops and laptops. In addition, 9 images were prepared specifically for smartphones. All photos come in JPG format. The package is 142 MB.
Agrar Hautnah
M. Kemnik
Michael-Kazmierczak-Straße 18
04157 Leipzig
E-Mail: info@agrar-hautnah.de

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Michael-Kazmierczak-Str. 18
04157 Leipzig