3 Claas Lexion harvesting
Here we offer a selection of our best images, which are ideal as wallpapers. In this case, we were there for the grain harvest in 2018 and were able to capture three Claas Lexion.
We sell our wallpapers primarily as a way for you to give us a small donation. So if you want to support our work, you can make a big contribution with your purchase. We would be pleased.
Key data
Included are 7 wallpapers in 5K for desktops, laptops or similar. All photos come in JPG format. The package is 70 MB in size.
Agrar Hautnah
M. Kemnik
Michael-Kazmierczak-Straße 18
04157 Leipzig
E-Mail: info@agrar-hautnah.de

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Michael-Kazmierczak-Str. 18
04157 Leipzig